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  • 19 Dec 2011 4:00 AM | Anonymous

    ICIS is pleased to announce the release of the Fall 2011 Newsletter.

    You may pick up your copy of the newsletter at http://www.icis-biomed.org/newsletter . 

    We welcome your comments and suggestions and contributions to the newsletter.

    Best regards,

    Scott James
    Editor, ICIS Newsletter

    Board of Directors
    Intermountain Clinical Instrumentation Society

  • 06 Jun 2011 4:00 AM | Anonymous

    ICIS is pleased to announce the release of the Spring 2011 Newsletter.

    You may pick up your copy of the newsletter at http://www.icis-biomed.org/newsletter . 

    If you haven't joined ICIS yet, please click the link on the newsletter page so that you may receive future newsletters and meeting announcements. 

    We welcome your comments and suggestions and contributions to the newsletter.

    Best regards,

    Scott James
    Editor, ICIS Newsletter

    Board of Directors
    Intermountain Clinical Instrumentation Society

  • 06 May 2011 3:27 PM | Anonymous

    Dear professional:


    The Intermountain Clinical Instrumentation Society (ICIS) Board of Directors and Officers forward the following AAMI press release entitled “Forum Recommends Unified Name, Vision for Field”.


    As we discussed at our May 5 meeting, a group of individuals from all aspects of our industry (supporting, maintaining, assessing, planning, and managing healthcare technology) met last week to propose a vision for the future and a name for our profession.

    A universally recognized name for our profession is a step toward so many positive outcomes such as being a more valued partner in healthcare, recruiting professionals into new roles, and standardizing educational programs.

    There is an open comment period. ICIS encourages each person to participate. With over 200 members spread in or region and beyond, we hope you will share this message with your friends and colleagues who may not receive this mailing.

    Comment as you see appropriate, and support the effort to unify our profession now and in the future. Your feedback and your support are an integral step in establishing collaboration.



    Board of Directors and Officers

    Intermountain Clinical Instrumentation Society


     “Biomeds: Servicing Technology for Life”

  • 07 Apr 2011 10:00 AM | Anonymous
    Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation

    Hello all,

    We are looking for input from anyone in this profession that has an opinion they are willing to share. :)

    I'd like to draw your attention to an important event that will take place later this month, and to solicit your assistance.

    A group of 25 biomed/clinical engineering professionals, educators, and other industry experts will get together April 28-29 to help choose a name for the "medical technology management" profession and discuss where the profession is headed over the next decade.

    The group includes a cross-section of medical technology management professionals-biomeds/clinical engineers, managers, representatives from The Joint Commission, ECRI Institute, AAMI, biomedical associations, device manufacturers, clinicians, educators and other interested parties.

    Input from all corners of the profession will be helpful to encourage positive outcomes. So we'd love to get your feedback about these important issues. Please consider responding to this brief survey by Friday, April 15: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KNQ65XG

    Additional information about this event, which will be held at AAMI Headquarters in Arlington, VA, is available here: (http://www.aami.org/news/2011/040511.name.html).

    I want to clarify that this effort to "name the profession" is designed to address the issue at a very broad and inclusive level, which is why we need your help in spreading the word, especially to the field service reps for your vendors or individuals in other related service roles that may not otherwise receive any of the information that goes out through our channels. There are many roles that add unique value, and the name of the profession should be broad enough to include ALL of them.

    I personally want to thank AAMI for their efforts to host and facilitate this event, and thanks to all of you who choose to provide input via this survey. If we join together, we may finally become recognized as an integral part of the healthcare profession.


    Karen Waninger
    Director, Clinical Engineering
    Community Hospitals Indianapolis
    1500 N Ritter Ave
    Indianapolis, IN 46219
    Phone: 317-355-3614
  • 04 Apr 2011 5:47 AM | Anonymous

    ICIS will offer web-based attendance for the upcoming meeting! Find out about the eligibility criteria and sign up at http://www.icis-biomed.org/ViewEvent.ashx?eventId=219122.

    Please support quality presentations and professional networking by forwarding this invitation to your colleagues and peers. Signing up for future announcements and for members only content may be found at http://www.icis-biomed.org . Membership is free through 2011!

    We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting, ICIS Quarterly Meeting: Evidence-Based Maintenance: How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of your Maintenance Strategies on 5 May 2011, Thursday. The meeting we be held at Mckay-Dee Hospital - West Auditorium starting at 06:00 PM on 5 May 2011, Thursday.

    We encourage you to RSVP as soon as possible to assure your seat and meal.

    Binseng Wang, ScD, CCE – Vice President, Performance Management & Regulatory Compliance, ARAMARK Healthcare’s Clinical Technology Services

    Clinical engineering (CE) professionals have realized for some time that the “preventive maintenance” (PM) that they have been performing for many years is no longer able to prevent any failures, although some safety and performance inspections (SPIs) can help detect hidden and potential failures that affect patient safety. To help CE professionals decide whether they should continue to perform scheduled maintenance (SM) or not, a systematic method for determining maintenance effectiveness has been developed. This method uses a small set of codes to classify failures found during repairs and SM (PMs and SPIs). Analysis of the failure patterns and their effects on patients and users allows CE professionals to compare the effectiveness of different maintenance strategies, and justify changes in strategies, such as decreasing SM, deploying statistical sampling, or even eliminating SM.

    Best regards,

    Board of Directors  
    Intermountain Clinical Instrumentation Society
  • 19 Mar 2011 7:36 PM | Anonymous
    ICIS Winter 2011 Newsletter

    ICIS is pleased to announce the release of the Winter 2011 Newsletter.

    You may pick up your copy of the newsletter at http://www.icis-biomed.org/newsletter . 

    If you haven't joined ICIS yet, please click the link on the newsletter page so that you may receive future newsletters and meeting announcements. 

    We welcome your comments and suggestions and contributions to the newsletter.

    Best regards,

    Scott James
    Editor, ICIS Newsletter

    Board of Directors
    Intermountain Clinical Instrumentation Society
  • 06 Dec 2010 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    ICIS is pleased to announce the release of its first newsletter in over a decade.

    You may pick up your copy of the newsletter at http://www.icis-biomed.org/newsletter .

    If you haven't joined ICIS yet, please click the link on the newsletter page so that you may receive future newsletters and meeting announcements. We welcome your comments and suggestions.

    Best regards,

    Scott James
    Editor, ICIS Newsletter

    Board of Directors
    Intermountain Clinical Instrumentation Society
  • 22 Oct 2010 1:00 AM | Anonymous
  • 18 Oct 2010 5:00 AM | Anonymous

    Dear colleagues,


    Membership is free through 2011. Recently, the Intermountain Clinical Instrumentation Society (ICIS) Board decided unanimously to extend free memberships to individuals engaged in the support of healthcare technology and those aspiring to join the ranks.

    Joining ICIS takes about one minute at www.icis-biomed.org .

    Of course members are invited to all membership meetings; membership also includes:

    • a private directory to other professionals and organizations
    • exclusive offers such as discounts on services
    • several forums to exchange policies, procedures, and tech tips

    Our quarterly meetings include a presentation on current technical, regulatory, operations, or other industry topics. ICIS coordinates a meal and supplies attendees with a variety of industry publications and tools at every meeting as well.

    In order to RSVP for our November 4 meeting titled “Implementing Wireless in the Hospital Enterprise: Medical Device Considerations and an Update on IEC 80001”, please visit www.icis-biomed.org .

    Whether you go by Biomed, Clinical Engineer, BMET, Field Service Engineer, Imaging Support Engineer, Instructor, Student, or Sales Representative, ICIS is the professional society to join in the Intermountain Region to keep abreast of hot topics and technical issues.



    Board of Directors

    Intermountain Clinical Instrumentation Society

    “Servicing Technology for Life”

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